Interview challenges require the client to participate in a virtual, in-app interview powered by Amazon Lex. This allows the client to discuss some issues or topics in a conversational format either by voice or text input. Interviews typically consist of only a few questions, but are sophisticated enough to dynamically direct conversation based on responses provided. Interview responses allow the case manager to gain additional insight into the client’s attitudes and behaviors.
Example: Discuss one of your long-term goals.
Check-in challenges require the client to go to a specific location or event, such as a class or meeting. If the check-in requires the client to attend a scheduled event at a specific time, in-app incentives are awarded to the client for a punctual arrival. Successful check-ins paired with follow-up interview challenges offer case managers a greater level of confidence that the client is participating and engaged in treatment.
Example: Check in at your class today.
List challenges capture information from the client in a concise way. Each item the client lists can be extracted from the response and referenced in a follow-up interview challenge for a more detailed discussion.
Example: List milestones for accomplishing your goal.
Photo challenges require the client to provide images using their phone’s built-in camera.
Example: Submit a photo of a completed grant application.
Schedule challenges allow the app to capture time and location data from the client concerning their upcoming work, class, or meeting schedules. This information can later be used to automatically generate check-in challenge assignments with minimal action required from the case manager.
Example: Submit your class schedule for the upcoming week.
Worksheet challenges prompt the client to complete an assigned worksheet directly on their phone. Worksheets allow the client to provide more in-depth responses to one or more questions in a longer-form text submission.
Example: Complete a decisional balance worksheet.
Casano Quest Overview
Watch an overview of Casano Quest, the mobile app for client use.
Casano Connect Overview
Watch an overview of Casano Connect, the accompanying web app for case administrators.
The building blocks of a program.
Casano's daily challenges are designed to be just small, incremental steps in a much larger plan. Case managers can lead the way in developing the case plan, and confidently rely on Casano to help execute.
Drawing the Map
A library of challenges is available to each agency upon initial implementation of Casano. Because some challenges are dependent on locations, specific service providers, and local programs; each agency has the ability to customize Casano challenges to fit their local context. Beyond that, each agency can control the challenges from the library that are included in their local implementation of Casano, modify these challenges, or create entirely new challenges.
Any new challenges created by an agency that are applicable to a broad audience may be added to the challenge library that is shared by the Casano community.
Analyzing the Data
Challenge responses are not simply stored in a database and marked "completed". Often, challenge responses are analyzed by Casano to determine if additional, related challenges should be assigned and help to direct the path of the program. Data collected from one challenge may be revisited in a followup challenge in order to explore the response in a more in-depth discussion with the client.
Additionally, some challenges are designed to be repeated periodically to reinforce positive behaviors or to monitor the evolution of the client’s responses over the course of the case plan period.
Marking the Milestones
Because the goal of challenge assignments in Casano is to address a need present in the client's life, there is an expectation that progress of some sort should occur. Progress happens in stages, so challenge assignments are ordered to help facilitate change in the most logical way. Some challenges may be aimed at helping the client understand the need for change, some may be designed to help the client take actionable steps toward change, while others may be assigned to assist the client in maintaining new, positive habits. Advancing to the next phase of the program is dependent on completion of the prior.